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    Real Estate in Hurghada

    You can contact Living Point Property, the leading Real Estate in hurghada, using the contact form on this page or by phone (Telegram & Whatsapp).

    Email: sa***@li******************.com
    Phone: +20 128 651 2103
    Address: Bestway Street, Building 9, 2nd floor, New Kawser District, Hurghada

    We answer your first questions before or after buying a property in our FAQ. Just take a look there. To find out more about our company please visit the following pages:

    Please don’t hesitate to contact your Real Estate in Hurghada.

    Living Point Property Logo - Properties in Egypt

    We work hard to make our customers’ dreams come true. Please make an appointment in advance using the contact form on this page.

    Monday-Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Saturday: Closed
    Sunday: Closed