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    Real Estate Agents in Hurghada

    You can contact Living Point Property using the contact form on this page or by phone (Telegram & Whatsapp).

    Email: sales@living-pont-property.com
    Phone: +20 128 651 2103
    Address: Bestway Street, Building 9, 2nd floor, New Kawser District, Hurghada

    We answer your first questions before or after buying a property in our FAQ. Just take a look there. To find out more about our company please visit the following pages:

    Please don’t hesitate to contact your Real Estate Agents in Hurghada.

    Egypt Properties from Living Point

    We work hard to make our customers’ dreams come true. Please make an appointment in advance using the contact form on this page.

    Monday-Friday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Saturday: Closed
    Sunday: Closed